Cefnogi pob plentyn i gyflawni ei lawn botensial
Supporting every child to achieve their full potential

The Venture has been a registered charity (No. 1153454) since its formation in 1978 and in January 2012 Trustees voted to also register as a charitable company limited by guarantee (No. 8011966).
The Venture is managed by a board of Trustees who monitor our performance and make decisions on the future of the children's centre at quarterly meetings. We're also lucky to have a number of high profile patrons who advocate the great work we do.

Lesley Griffiths MS
Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd
Member of the Senedd for Wrexham

Keith Towler
Chair of Interim Youth Work Board Wales
Youth Justice Board member for Wales
Vice Chair National Independent Safeguarding Board for Wales
Former Children's Commissioner for Wales

Former Head of Wrexham's multi-agency Community Safety Team
Former Community Social Work Manager

Maarten Kuiper
First employee of The Venture
Former Playground Manager
Care Worker
Landscape Gardener

Former playground attendee
Renowned poet
Contributing artist for BBC Sesh and Big Ideas Wales

Jayne Alton
Former Head of Wrexham Education Department's Dyslexia Unit
Former President of the Wales branch of the NASUWT
Suzanne Nantcurvis
Sheila Groom
For more information, you can visit The Venture's page on:
The Charity Commission for England and Wales website